Links I Love: Week of September 29th

from Buzzfeed's Shakespearean Insults
from Buzzfeed’s Shakespearean Insults

Oddly enough, most of my links this week revolve around words and language. Who’d a thunk it?

1. A Guide to Proper Comma Use – I’m sure I still make egregious comma errors, but I have no problem declaring to the world that I am a staunch supporter of the Oxford comma.

2. Hilariously Terrible Novel Sentences You Need To Read – Ever wonder how your writing stacks up? Just be sure it’s not reminiscent of these efforts… Unless, of course, you’re trying to carve out a space for yourself on their list.

3. How To Write a Successful Query Letter: Think Like An Agent – As I get ever closer to actually drafting a query letter and sending my book out in hopes of publication, advice articles like this catch my eye. Do you have useful advice?

4.  Shakespearean Insults To Unleash In Every Day Life (now with cats!) – Neighbors being pests? Drivers around you sending you into road rage? Get creative in your responses by delivering such tasty gems as “Thou art as loathsome as a toad.”

5. The Quote Investigator – Want to make sure the insult you just hurled really did originate from Shakespeare? Check here! Very useful for ensuring that Abraham Lincoln didn’t really suggest something negative about your mother.

6. Hours Spent Reading Books Around the World – For fun, here’s info on how many hours per week the average person from various countries spends reading books. My average was way higher before the advent of the internet. Just sayin’.

7. Creative Ways to Ask Your Neighbors to Stop Having Loud Sex – Fitting for a romance novelist to find these amusing, isn’t it?

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