A few weeks ago, fearless dragoness and Flash Friday leader Rebekah announced she was closing the weekly Flash! Friday competition. While we Flash writers are sad, I understand Rebekah’s desire to send us out into the world, and her desire to concentrate on her own novel writing (and, people, she is seriously one of the best writers I’ve ever read, so watch for her to storm the world soon.) Huzzah!
Though I wrote these two pieces for the final Flashversary contest last Friday, I waited to post them until today because a) I didn’t want Rebekah to see them while she was judging (in case she was going to pick ME ME ME to win!), and b) (and probably the more truthful answer) I’ve been neck-deep in episodes of Outlander for the last few days.
But here they are – my final two Flash! Friday stories, each 100 words on the dot, as prescribed by the rules. The photo prompt was optional, but we were required to start our stories with the sentence, “On Friday everything changed.” One of my tiny tales is funny & light, the other an homage to the woman, the contest, and my fellow writers who’ve given so very much to me. I am 100% certain if I had not had the support from this flash community and my Shenandoah Valley Writers, I would not be a published author today. So thank you, Rebekah. Thank you, all!
Just Call It Puppy Love, 2015-style
On Friday everything changed.
It was totally like that old Cure song, you know? I was in love.
He was epic. Sick. Black hair slung low over ice blue eyes.
Full-on gone, peeps.
On Saturday we went out. Mashed all night.
I don’t care what Shanna says. I can’t even. Hashtag jealous liar.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday, just me and my bae.
On Thursday we hit the club. He hit on everyone in sight.
Shanna says she told me so. I told her off.
Thank God tomorrow’s Friday. Can I get an amen?
‘Cause on Friday, everything changes.
Hashtag so over.
In Praise of Dragons
On Friday, everything changed.
No, that’s a lie.
On Flash Fridays, I changed.
I took off the mask I’d worn for so long, bared my soul to the world.
I screamed, “Here I am. Take your best shot.”
I stood, vulnerable, heart wide open, awaiting written arrows, verbal bullets.
They never came.
I’m still standing.
I’ve come too far now to turn back.
I’ve spread my wings. Showed my scales.
She taught me how.
Just show up, she said.
Be kind. Give generously. Praise others.
Some will tear you down.
But you will rise up.
For love always wins.
And there you have it. I will certainly miss these weekly bursts of creativity, but hope to take the skills, enthusiasm, and delight in the written word that this contest sparked and infuse it through all of my future writings. Thank you, Flash!Friday.