Be Careful What You Wish For – 160 words
“I want a refund,” the woman said, thrusting the small crown toward the oddly robed gentleman.
His gold-filled grin didn’t quite reach his eyes. “All sales are final. It was stated in the contract.”
“But this one doesn’t work!”
“Results do vary.”
Her eyes flashed. “You can’t sell a faulty product! I shall expose you for the charlatan you are!”
“Madam, I’m no charlatan. I’m a genie. We’ve been through this.”
“Genie, soothsayer, prestidigitator – whatever you call yourself, you are a fraud.”
“Did you not wish yourself rid of your husband?”
Her eyes rounded. “That was an accident!”
“If you say so. And did you not want more respect?”
“That’s my point. When I wore this all anybody did was laugh.”
The man sighed. “Try this latest model? It’s bigger, rounder – has more flair.”
She eyed it dubiously. “It’s Indian.”
“Yes, and full of power.”
“Sure, and I’m Queen of England!”
“Your wish is my command, madam.”
Ever write something, think it’s OK, then upon revisiting it later you realize there are certain phrasings or vocabulary you’d change (especially when you discover you’ve repeated something over and over)? Yeah? Me, too.
Oh well – this is the version that’s live on Flash Friday, so it’s not changing now. Let me know what you think – and please head over and read (and comment on!) the other fine entries this week!