Captain Oblivious – 150 words
How can she not love me? Am I not manly enough? Do these guns not bring all the girls to my yard? Is she not impressed by the size of my … thighs?
Every day, I don this cape, save this city, and what do I get in return? Nothing. Barely a glance, rarely a nod, those magnificent eyes always sweeping past me to something — someone? — beyond.
I could best Superman in strength, Spiderman in dexterity, the Hulk in armwrestling. She doesn’t care.
Let Captain America have his shield, Batman his Batmobile, Ironman his ridiculous suit. I’m greater than all of them combined.
And yet, she’s captured me as if with that blasted lasso, this Wonder Woman.
She insists we’re friends. Superfriends.
Ha. As if that’d ever be enough.
Robin says Cheetah’s more than an archenemy to her. Liar. He just wants in my tights.
As I want in hers.
After an accidental week’s hiatus (life happens), I’m back with my tale of exactly 150 words (as required).
As the Flash Friday website says,
“This week’s novel inspiration, reaching far, far back in time: The Iliad, Homer’s 3,000-year-old epic tale of the spectacular clash of gods and heroes surrounding the fall of the city of Troy.
Story elements (base your story on any TWO of these elements; be sure to tell us which two you chose. Reminder: please remember the Flash! Friday guidelines with regard to content).
* Conflict: man v man (not gender specific)
* Character (choose one): a prideful superhero, a hot-tempered king, a mighty warrior, a soothsayer, the most beautiful woman in the world, the kidnapped daughter of a priest
* Theme (choose one): the glory of war, mortality, fate vs free will, friendship
* Setting: a besieged city
OPTIONAL PHOTO PROMPT (for inspiration only; it is NOT REQUIRED for your story)”
I went with conflict (kind of), character (prideful superhero, most beautiful woman in the world), and theme (friendship).
What do you think?