The Fulgurite – 159 words
They say it was a mighty bolt of lightning that darkened the stones surrounding his doorway, but I know better. It was his blackened heart, oozing out to contaminate everything he touched. Including me.
My heart echoes like thunder, beating a frantic rhythm, calling out for him to soothe its cracked and jagged edges. A storm of frightening intensity has taken me prisoner, tossing me back and forth between the rocks on a daily basis. I am withering, poisoned by his disregard and my own foolishness, drowning in a rain of tears, a flood of my own making.
Beware the angry clouds when they are low and rumbling. Heed the warning, and take cover.
They say you can see my form, sitting just below the archway, hand up, beseeching him to come back. I know better. He has rendered me once and forever invisible. A mistake. A remnant of yesterday. Just another weathered block in his wall of conquests.
Woo hoo! As much fun as I had judging everybody’s entries last week (and not writing), I really enjoyed being able to craft a quick story for this week’s Flash Friday Contest. In addition to the photo prompt, we had to include a thunderstorm in some way within the 150 (+/-10) word limit. What do you think of my take? Please be sure to go read the other entries and leave some feedback – we writers seriously dig that.