The Temptresst – 157 words
All she wanted was a little time to herself. Time away from their leering glances, their suggestive comments, their wolfish grins. Time away from the groping.
Other women didn’t understand. “I’d kill for someone to look at me like that,” they said. “I wish I had your body,” the heavy ones moaned. “I wish I had your face,” the plain ones sighed. “You don’t appreciate what you’ve got.”
She longed to trade with them. To know what it was like to go a whole day unnoticed, no one commenting on the color of her hair, the curve of her lips. The sway in her walk.
She studied the painting, grateful for the quietness of the room, the solitude, the time alone with nothing surrounding her but air to breathe freely and a thousand tales told by the pictures on the wall.
“Yes,” she whispered, tracing the woman’s tresses without touching them. “A storm rages in me, too.”
What do you think? I had 150 words (+/- 10) to write a story based on the prompt and including something about freedom. Do you like it? What would you have written, instead? Sail on over to Flash Friday Fiction to read and comment on the other entries, and/or to enter your own!
Please also VOTE in the Flash Friday Fiction Dog Days of Summer contest – the 10 finalists are up (I’m one of them!), and we need your votes! You can vote as many times as you want, as long as you’re voting from devices on separate IP addresses, since that’s how the survey tallies who’s voiced their opinion. A good reason to go hang out at a variety of wi-fi offering places this weekend!
You are fantastic, as usual! I’d love to get into writing but don’t know where to start. I just recently threw some words together about the wonderful Colin Morgan on my Tumbler account. If you have an account check it out. missmysanity is my tumbler account. Thanks!
Wow, thanks so much for the compliment! I think the best place to start is just to start writing, without worrying what you produce. Maybe free write / journal for 10 minutes a day. Think about WHAT you want to write. If it’s books, read a lot of books in the genre in which you’re interested, and peruse a writing book or two. But most of all, don’t worry so much about where you’re going with your words; just write! And yes, I will check out your stuff on Mr. Morgan, b/c anything Colin Morgan is enough for me!