1. 11 Grammatical Words and Terms That Sound Dirty – Language-isms mixed with raunchy innuendos? Sign me up! (You’ll never think of conjugate in the same way again.)
2. The Official Ranking of Jane Austen’s 14 Leading Men – Do you agree? Whom do you think should be in the top spot? I don’t know if this is the order I would have chosen, but it does make me itch to read / watch Jane Austen’s stories again.
3. 14 Words That Are Their Own Opposites – More word fun! Does it get any better than this?
4. Jane Austen and the Art of Letter-Writing – There’s never enough Austen, right? Here’s a great look at Austen’s letter writing and how it sheds insight into her character – even though only a small portion of the letters she wrote survive.
5. Writing Numbers in Fiction – Do you know when to write a number out rather than just using number characters? Now you will. I can tell you I’m forty-two years old, but sometimes it feels like 1,000. (Apparently the rules enumerated here don’t apply to blog post titles, as evidenced by the ones mentioned above.)
6. 10 Words to Cut From Your Writing – They’ve got really quite amazing stuff here. Literally. Do you agree with their selections? Which would you add?
7. Black Death NOT Spread by Rat Fleas? – Say what? In truth, whether spread by fleas or airborne, the plague was horrific – but so, apparently, was the state of life for many 14th century Londoners.