Oh yes, my 2nd favorite “holiday” is almost upon us, so a few of this week’s links relate to that creepiest, most orange and pumpkiny of days. The rest – well, see for yourself!
All-Time Greatest Halloween Costumes – Some of these are downright amazing. I think my favorite is the Man in the Box. What’s yours?
The Historical Basis of Lycanthropism, or Where Do Werewolves Come From? – Glad they clarified the meaning of lycanthropism (which, by the way, would make for an excellent Scrabble play). I wish more werewolves looked like Jacob Black.
Your Ancestors Didn’t Sleep Like You – Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night like I do? It may not be strange noises, but rather biology. Read this and let me know what you think – does this sound better than our current sleeping strategy?
Fly Through 17th Century London – In preparation for my first trip ever to London NEXT WEEK, I’ve been reading up about the city. This fascinating video gives you an idea of what medieval central London looked like – before the Great Fire of 1666.
Castle Fit for a King: Historic Home Owned By Henry VIII For Sale – I think I’ll buy this while over in England. What do you think? (Donations accepted – I’m only about £2.6 million short…)
What Is Your Writing Element? I like to talk about “being in my element” on a good writing day, and this fascinating article takes it one step farther, helping you determine indeed which of the 4 Elements (Air, Earth, Water, Fire) most epitomizes and motivates your writing. I’m predominately water-driven; fitting for a Pisces, no?
The Awesome-Amazing, Super-Duper, WINNING! Checklist for Surviving NaNoWriMo – Hey, I didn’t come up with that blog title, although I kind of wish I had. Check out Sarah’s funny-but-true list (I heartily approve of the recommendation for chocolate rations), and let me know if you’re joining me for NaNoWriMo in November.