Much to my surprise, fellow writer Emma Barry nominated me recently for the Liebster Award, which, in her words, “is less an award than a way to connect with other small and medium-sized blogs (fewer than 200 followers) and to share random things about yourself.”
Thank you, Ms. Barry! I was honored. And touched. And a little baffled. (I’m always somewhat baffled, so nothing new there.)
As a recipient, I must:
- List 11 random facts about myself.
- Answer 11 questions posed by the blogger who nominated me.
- Nominate 11 other blogs for the award and link to them.
- Notify the bloggers that they are awesome and have won a shiny pink blogging logo.
- Pose 11 new questions for my Liebster nominees.
- Thank the blogger who nominated me and link back to their blog.
Eleven Random Facts About Margaret …
- I have double-jointed elbows. People often go “Ewwww!” when they see them.
- My favorite numbers are 37 and 17. It’s eerie how often those numbers pop up in my life.
- My husband and I met online back before meeting online was cool. It was 1996. Elvis was involved.
- I skipped 1st grade. I’m pretty sure that’s only because the man who did the school testing was SUPER handsome, so I worked really hard in order to impress him.
- I’ve never broken a bone. This might be a sign I’m not adventuresome enough. I have, however, had numerous stitches.
- I used to run a website in the 1990’s called “Elvis Lives In Evil Levis.” It got fairly well-known. In Elvis circles at least. One time People magazine mentioned it.
- I’ve lived in Germany twice: 4 months in 1989, and 4 more months in 1999. Ich liebe Deutschland, und möchte wieder dahin reisen.
- Anxiety is the bane of my life and colors almost everything I do.
- One time I won a free turkey from the local radio station.
- I have a serious Merlin addiction.
- Margaret Locke is not my real name. It is a pen name composed of my daughter’s and son’s middle names.
Answers to Emma’s Questions …
- Your favorite post from your blog’s archives? Well, I don’t have many yet, since I’m a newbie blogger. I suppose it was when I posed the question “What compels you to write?” Partly because I’m genuinely curious as to what fuels others’ passion to commit word to paper (or screen), and partly because I need to remind myself when anxiety rears her ugly head that there is a reason I’m doing this.
- Jacob or Edward? Oh my God, Edward, hands down. Snaggle-toothed men are trés sexy. (Although I preferred Edward in the books, too, long before I’d ever seen Mr. Pattinson.)
- Least-deserved television cancellation in recent memory? MERLIN! MERLIN! MERLIN! Of course I only discovered this show once it had already ended its run on the BBC, but still – an excellent, excellent, fun, quirky, moving reinterpretation of the Arthurian legends, with beautiful acting. Watch it! (Seasons 1-4 are on Netflix here in the states.)
- Favorite “I don’t feel like cooking tonight” supper? Ordering pizza. Only now my son and I are off gluten, so that doesn’t work anymore. Fish sticks and chicken nuggets (sans gluten and artificial stuff) and fries seem to be a quick family favorite.
- Least-favorite Beatle? Ringo. Too much drama. Silly name. (Sorry, Ringo. As if my opinion matters to you.)
- Favorite “bad” movie? My sister and I couldn’t get enough of “Can’t Buy Me Love” (starring Patrick Dempsey!) back in the day – is that a ‘bad’ movie?
- The last song to which you listened? My son is playing on some website in the background as I type, so technically it’s something he played. Otherwise, the same son playing “Heartbreaker” on the piano.
- Aaron Sorkin, brilliant or smug? Both.
- The drink you’d want if you were to be stranded on a desert island? Water. Well, actually, I’d love some Diet Coke, but I gave up soda in 2012 in order to get an iPhone (that’s the bargain I struck with my husband. I was a serious caffeine-free Diet Coke addict), so I guess that’s out. Then again, if I’m truly stranded that means I have no iPhone, so bring on the soda!
- The historical period in which more books should be set? Ancient Rome. Medieval Germany. Which I guess means I could try to write something in those periods, but I still seem to be enthralled with the Regency period. Too bad I couldn’t have studied THAT in grad school rather than the Middle Ages. No, scratch that. I love the medieval period. I just haven’t felt compelled to write a novel in that period. Yet.
- The come-back of white jeans: They never should have happened in the first place. I refuse to believe they are returning. (My eyes! My eyes!)
My 11 lucky nominees (apologies if you have way more than 200 followers – I don’t know all that many bloggers yet and some of y’all just seemed really cool. Plus I may have been too toopid to figure out how many people are already digging your awesomeness):
- Emma Lai
- Sara Ramsey
- Angel Nicholas
- Miriam
- Katharine Grubb, aka The 10 Minute Writer
- Andi Newton
- Olivia Kelly
- Maggie Murphy (O.K., I know you have more than 200 followers, but you’re cool – and I don’t know that many blogs yet!)
- Merry Farmer
- Ainsley Wynter
- Kristin Walters
No biggie if you’re not interested/don’t have time for this – it was fun to find your blogs and read about you as I was figuring out who to include. And a big thank you to Twitter for introducing me to all of you to begin with!
Here’s my 11 questions if’n you feel like answerin’!
- What are your top 3 favorite books of all time?
- If you could go back and relive college again, would you?
- What’s your biggest pet peeve?
- If you could have dinner with 3 other famous people, dead or alive, whom would you choose?
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
- Dogs or cats?
- What’s one of your favorite memories from childhood?
- If you could give one piece of advice to other writers/bloggers, what would it be?
- Twilight or Vampire Diaries?
- What one current celebrity do you feel is least deserving of fame?
- If you could speak any other language fluently, which would it be?
That’s it! Tschüßchen!
Congratulations! The Liebster Award sounds cool. And very Deutsch. Who/what is it named for?
Great answers! And I would love to read a book set in Medieval Germany! I can’t remember the last time I read a medieval at all (the last time Madeline Hunter wrote one, probably).
Mom, it is very German! I don’t know about its exact origins – I suppose I ought to Google that. And Emma, perhaps medieval Germany will move on up in the “to do” list now that I keep reading everywhere else how Regency England romances are apparently burning out… 🙂
*stuffing white jeans under the couch cushion*
I LOVED Can’t Buy Me Love! Seriously, how adorable was Patrick Dempsey back then? Okay, now I feel old.
I don’t know about you, but I AM old. It’s O.K. Better than dead. 😉
Oh! And thank you for nominating me! Now I can stop desperately trying to think up a blog post. 🙂
Pingback: The Liebster Award, Take 2: In Which I Opt for Cumberbatch, Armitage, Firth, AND Freeman | Margaret Locke