Toeing The Line
Margaret Locke (@Margaret_Locke)
152 words
Mama always was tellin’ us to warsh up, but we never did listen much. What was the point? We was just gonna get dirty again anyway.
Besides, Uncle Lester knew the trick fer catchin’ the biggest fish, an’ it was this – stinky feet. “Don’t tell no one,” he said, “otherwise they’ll be eatin’ our dinner. The stinkier the toes the better, because them fish, their noses ain’t so good below the water. You gotta have good an’ smelly ones ‘fore they’ll come up for a nibble.”
I tried to do him one better by keepin’ all of me filthy, just in case. I’m thinkin’ he had a special odor all his own, though, ‘cuz he managed to catch the biggest fish anybody’d ever seen.
Maggie laughs at me with my dirty shirt an’ grubby knees. But this here fish in my hand tells me I’m eatin’ tonight – an’ she ain’t.
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