Ashes to Ashes – 154 words
What have they done to you, my darling daughter?
They’ve poisoned your waters in the name of progress. Paved over your prairies as proof of their power. The skies burn now not with the brilliant blue of untainted life-giving air, but with the smoke and chemicals of countless fires, churning, consuming, destroying all that they have been given.
Oh, my child, what they have done.
They raised me here. An homage to Mother Nature, they said. An homage to myself? Who are they kidding? Never has there been a more appropriate tribute. I am trapped, restrained, buried by the same ones who seek to revere me, staring forever into the distorted flow of my own tormented offspring.
The pain is evident across my brow, the weight of infinite sadness. My lips purse in shame. My eyes bow in sorrow. How I long to break us free from their ruination.
I am sorry, my child.
In addition to the standard 150 word limit (+/-10), this week we had to incorporate something about freedom along with this photo prompt. What do you think of my take? Want to read the other wonderful entries, or contribute your own? Head on over to Flash Friday Fiction and check it out!