1. Facebook Groups for Indie Writers – Isn’t the internet amazing? Not only does it aid immensely in researching for writing, but it also connects authors in invaluable ways. Here’s a nice list of Facebook groups specifically geared toward indie authors. I have not checked all of them out – let me know if any are particularly wonderful.
2. 32 Books Guaranteed to Make You Laugh Out Loud – Wow, that’s quite a promise. How many have you read? Did they live up to this claim? I don’t want to admit I’ve read only 3 (hey, many more are on my ever-growing To-Read list), but I have to admit, The Princess Bride cracked me up and more than lived up to my high expectations, given that its movie version is my favorite film of all time.
3. La Belle Assemblée Links – I love Rachel Knowles’ Regency blog, with good reason; she provides concise, informative explanations and snippets about Regency life. Here she has gathered all the links she is aware of to online versions of the popular Regency fashion magazine, La Belle Assemblée. Hooray! More fashion pics for me to add to my Pinterest boards!
4. Top Ten Monsters of the Middle Ages – It’s almost Halloween; this seems like an apt time to explore the monster of the medieval period. Dragons and unicorns and giants, oh my!
5. Ten Ways to Annihilate Fear – Now that those medieval monsters have got you quaking in your boots, here are 10 ways to banish those worries. Well, O.K., maybe it would be more helpful to apply these things to modern dilemmas, but still…
6. Study: Read Romance, Be Sensitive – Do the result of this study, that people who read romance tend to be more sensitive to emotions in others, surprise you? It doesn’t me, but then again, I’m probably biased.
7. Colin Firth Was Supposed to Be What? – Yes, and now to leave all of my fellow Pride & Prejudice fans with something to drool over, read this to find out how that lake scene was really supposed to go down.