Writer Wednesday: Meet Tina Glasneck!

tinaglasneckWhoa, wait? It’s Wednesday? Again? How does this keep happening? Yeah, who cares? We LOVE Wednesdays, because it’s Writer Wednesday!

Today I’ve got fellow Virginia Romance Writer Tina Glasneck in the hot seat (I hope it’s hot – it’s getting darn chilly outside!). Tina took time out of her very busy schedule (mom to very young kids, as well as a writer – need I say more?) to share a bit about herself and her writing. Wahoo! So settle in, drink some hot chocolate for me, and leave Tina some comment love when you’ve finished reading all about her.

old-books-11281939505MsrnWhat inspires you to write?

I often think that if I didn’t write, I’d go mad. Writing is like standing outside naked and asking people what they think. It is sometimes hard, lonely, difficult and the path isn’t always filled with sunshine and butterflies. Yet, I still couldn’t imagine my life without my being able to put pen to paper or to caress my keyboard keys. Not everyone will understand the art of my stories, but those that do, they help to keep me coming back to sit down and share parts of my soul, which I’ve bled onto the page.

Which type of romance do you love most, and why?

I love paranormal romance, and time travel romance. Simply put, there is something magical about magic, and the ability in such a world to exist. All things are possible, including the bending of time, and space. Additionally, there is something about a dashing Lord, and a heroine who doesn’t feel the need to be subservient to him (due to her modern day disposition and constitution).

viking helmetName one interesting thing you learned in researching/writing your last book.

I am working on creating my first time-travel romance, and in doing so, I had to dig into Viking mythology, and ascertain how far south in modern day Germany the Vikings made it. One thing that I learned while doing all of this research was about the Brothers Grimm, who lived in Kassel during the 19th century. In fact, they compiled their famous fairy tales in Kassel. This of course led me down the road of recreating fairy tales like they used to be. And, in my latest release, 7 Twisted Fairy Tales, I take flash fiction and look at things from the villain’s point of view.

Die Sababurg im ReinhardswaldName two things people don’t know about you.

Two things that people don’t know about me? Well, that is a hard one. Often I feel like an open book.

The first thing is that I collect castles (fortresses and palaces). I’ve always had an affinity for all things medieval, and everything that has to do with knights in shining armor.  I still dream of one day owning my own castle (This is still on my to-be-accomplished list; I’ve already found my knight).

Secondly, I am a romantic; I mean an over-the-top-love-will-conquer-all-and-there-is-nothing-stronger-than-love romantic. So, you probably aren’t surprised by the fact that parts of my life I would actually consider to be part of a fairy tale. I was married in a castle on the outskirts of Kassel, called The Sababurg. It is the Sleeping Beauty Castle, and is surrounded with lovely roses. As you can see, my time travel romance will actually have a little bit of truth. 🙂

7 Twisted Tales cover-page-0017 Twisted Fairy Tales

Do you like fairy tales? Dive into the familiar tales of your youth, but be forewarned — these aren’t your normal fairy tales. They’ve been recreated, fractured, made darker, more sinister. These flash fiction tales are sure to make you look at fairy tales in a new way. Embrace the twisted. 

Released specifically for Halloween, and is a collection of flash fiction stories.

Find it on Amazon!

Want to connect further with Tina? You may find her here:

Website: www.TinaGlasneck.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TL-Glasneck-Author-of-Romance-and-Fantasy-1429774030592558/ or https://www.facebook.com/TinaGlasneck

Twitter: @TLGlasneck and @TinaGlasneck

Author Bio:

Tina Glasneck is a crime fiction writer, and aspiring romance writer. She believes in the power of love, complicated stories with complex characters and beautiful settings. Inspired by Jude Deveraux and Kathleen Koen, Tina strives to create stories that keep readers engaged, love that sweeps one away, and a love powerful enough to pull you along for the ride. To learn more about Tina and her melange of writings, visit her at www.TinaGlasneck.com

Thanks so much for sharing some of yourself with us today, Tina!
I, for one, am looking forward to that time-travel romance, indeed, so hurry up and finish writing it, will you?