You did it! You voted for me in droves and propelled me to the top in the Flash Friday Fiction Dog Days of Summer contest! That means I WON, people! Thank you SO MUCH for all of your support, and patience with my pleas for votes. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Not only did you vote for me, but many of you took the time to tell me you’d read my story and really liked it. I can’t think of a better compliment than that.
In snagging first place, I’m now $25 richer. That is, until I use those ill-gotten (not really) gains to take some fellow writer friends out to dinner to celebrate this victory. Sounds reasonable for a use of contest winnings to me, don’t you think?
I hope those of you who enjoy writing consider participating in the weekly Flash Friday Fiction contest, if you’re not doing so already. It’s a whole lot of fun in a supportive community, and though I’ve been involved with it for less than a year, now I can’t imagine a week without it.
Thank you for making my little writer’s heart happy by supporting me in my quest for this Dog Days title. I’m thrilled! (And ready for pizza.)
Congratulations, Margaret! Well-deserved, it were. Well-deserved.