Margaret’s Audiobooks

Prefer reading with your ears? Listen to this!

I’ve been working with Findaway Voices and fabulous narrator Kathryn LaPlante on the audiobook for A Man of Character.

While it’s quite the odd experience to hear my words read aloud (dramatized, really, for Kathryn does so much more than merely read the story), I can’t express how thrilled I am with the results so far.

Look for A Man of Character on Audible and other audiobook retailers sometime late spring/early summer!

And Pssst… Don’t Tell!

That’s right! The Demon Duke will be coming out in audio format this year, too! I’m not quite as far along with it as I am with A Man of Character, but I’m looking forward to listening to the three narrators from whom I’ve requested an audition – especially since I am a complete sucker for a British accent!

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