No Caving – 159 words
There’s a hole in my heart caverns-deep. You carved your way through me, never minding where your touch left scars, where your smile wreaked havoc, where your eyes, greener than the greenest grass, seared my soul.
I long to build a fortress, stone by stone, walling myself off from the pain, the memories, the world. I want to blacken the windows into my self, so that no one ever sees the mess you left me. I want to become my own island, my own stronghold, my own walled-off castle.
I will do none of those. I will walk on. I will climb out. I will create a space, an embrace, a small opening for this life that even now is weaving its magic through my body. A tiny heartbeat echoes my own, giving me a reason to go on, reminding me this place is no longer yours for the taking.
And we are no longer yours for the breaking.
This week we had to use this photo prompt and something about a baby in our 150 (+/-10) word stories. What do you think of my take?
I hope you’ll hop on over to Flash Friday Fiction to submit your own tale, or read (and comment!) on all the other fabulous entries this week. Tell ’em Margaret sent you!