My addiction to Facebook, Twitter, and the Two Nerdy History Girls leads me to numerous fascinating articles every week. I thought it would be fun to pass along some of my favorites – weekly if I’m on top of things, less often when I’m not. But here are my top 7 finds as of late:
1. Not Dead Yet: Historical Romances are Still Alive and Kicking – by Jennifer Porter
Thank goodness, since this is my writing genre of choice. Wonderful article refuting many recent claims that historical romances are gasping for their last breath.
2. Molly Greene’s 10 Tweets You Should Never Send
Yes, please. Does anyone respond favorably to the DMs received after following someone that entreat you to buy that someone’s book?
3. Ackermann’s Repository from July 1812 – December 1812
For Regency enthusiasts like me, there’s nothing like seeing the real thing – on a screen, at least. Here is a wonderful scanned archive of Ackermann’s famous Regency magazine, depicting the July – December 1812 issues, with numerous illustrated plates. Happy browsing!
O.K., even though Charlotte’s Web is my favorite children’s book, I remain not so much a fan of spiders. But this tidbit from 1815 about how they predict the weather has me reconsidering them with new respect, especially if a) the information is true and b) they’re more accurate than the local weather people.
5. 32 Books that will actually change your life
How many have you read? Did they change your life? I’m embarrassed to say my number is only 5 (Hey, I’m a romance addict, after all), but can attest that The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and Life of Pi have stayed with me long after I read the last word.
6. Those Amazing Romans Were Nanotechnology Pioneers
I love ancient history. I love medieval history. I love Regency history. O.K., I sense a pattern here. But still, it’s amazing to me that a) we can know as much as we do about people who lives thousands of years ago and that b) we keep learning that they were often more advanced than we are today.
7. This Is How Much Time Your (O.K., My) Internet Addiction Actually Wastes
I, uh, hate to think what my true numbers are, as I’m pretty sure they’re higher than, well, yours. Are they?