Writer Wednesday: Meet Veronica Scott!

Veronica Scott square photoIt is my privilege to welcome sci-fi and fantasy romance author Veronica Scott to Writer Wednesday. Veronica has not only penned numerous sci-fi and paranormal romances, but she’s also a regular columnist for USA Today’s Happy Ever After section. Wow!

Thank you so much for being with us today, Veronica! May I mention I’m incredibly jealous that Elvis Presley‘s best friend once serenaded you? Because The King, baby! Mercy.

Okay, now that I’ve settled down, I invite you to read on to learn a little more about Veronica, her writing, and her latest release, Hostage to the Stars.

Veronica says, Thanks for having me as your guest today! (You’re so welcome – ML)

TypewriterWhat inspires you to write?

I want to tell the story! Usually the characters come to my mind and an overall situation, maybe a few key scenes, and I can’t wait to write it all out expand the plot and see what happens along the way to the Happily Ever After.

ghostmoonWhich type of romance do you love most, and why?

It depends on my mood but I mostly read science fiction romance because there are infinite possible futures. I also love fantasy romance for the magic and mysticism, but sometimes I’m in the mood for a good rock star love story, or a Regency romance with a dashing, waltzing Duke.


Name one interesting thing you learned in researching/writing your last book:

I’ve long been fascinated with the true life stories of people who are kidnapped in hostile places, held for long periods of time and either ransomed or rescued. (Or killed, but we won’t go there.)

You want to believe that the Special Forces will be sent in with guns blazing and gallantly pluck you out of that danger, which does happen sometimes but not always. And not rapidly in most situations. I was amazed to learn that many foreign hostage situations drag on for years before a rescue attempt happens, if at all.

As an author, I was highly intrigued at the idea of writing such a situation, but without the multi-year time span. I like my adventures to move along a LOT faster.

And now, a bit about Hostage to the Stars:

HTTS.ScottHe rescued her from space pirates … but can he keep them both safe from the far greater evil stalking a deserted planet?

Space travel without Kidnap & Ransom insurance? Not a good idea. University instructor and researcher Sara Bridges can’t afford it, so when pirates board her cruise liner, she’s taken captive along with the mistress of a wealthy man, and brought to a deserted planet. When a military extraction team sent to rescue the mistress refuses to take Sara too, she’s left to the mercies of a retired Special Forces soldier, along as consultant.

Reluctantly reactivated and coerced into signing up for the rescue operation to the planet Farduccir where he once was deployed, Sgt. Johnny Danver just wants to get the job done. But when the team leader leaves one captured woman behind, he breaks away to rescue her himself.

As Johnny and Sara traverse the barren landscape, heading for an abandoned base where they hope to call Sectors Command for help, they find villages destroyed by battle and stripped of all inhabitants. A lone survivor tells a horrific tale of the Sectors’ alien enemy, the Mawreg, returning after being pushed out …

Searching for evidence to give the military, Johnny is captured. He regains consciousness in a Mawreg cage–with Sara next to him. Death is preferable to what the aliens will do to them… And even if they do escape their captors, can they alert the military in time to prevent another invasion of the Sectors?

Buy Hostage to the Stars here:

Amazon | Kobo | Apple iBooks | Barnes & Noble

writingA Bit About Veronica: 

Best Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author and “SciFi Encounters” columnist for the USA Today Happily Ever After blog, Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

Three time winner of the SFR Galaxy Award, as well as a National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, Veronica is also the proud recipient of a NASA Exceptional Service Medal relating to her former day job, not her romances! She recently was honored to read the part of Star Trek Crew Member in the audiobook production of Harlan Ellison’s “City On the Edge of Forever.”

Want to connect further with Veronica? Find her here: 

Blog: https://veronicascott.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vscotttheauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Veronica-Scott/177217415659637?ref=hl

Thanks so much for being part of Writer Wednesday, Veronica! It was a delight to have you. 

Writer Wednesday: Meet Rachael Miles

Author Rachael MilesWelcome, all, to Writer Wednesday!

This week I’m excited to bring you Regency historical romance author, Rachael Miles. Regency is my favorite subgenre of romance, and I’m squeeing because I’ve found a new author for my “must read” list – I hope you add her books to yours, as well.

Settle in (hopefully before the air conditioner, if it’s as hot where you are as it is here in Virginia – goodness gracious!) and enjoy as you get to know Rachael a bit better, and then find out about her latest release, Chasing the Heiress!

Heart shaped book pagesWhich type of romance do you love most, and why?

I’m a pretty omnivorous reader, and I love all sorts of romance. But of course, historicals hold a special place on my shelf. I especially enjoy ones that evoke a real sense of the period, whether by describing the furnishings or the dresses or the ways that people interacted differently than we do now. And if those historicals can include a bit of suspense all the better!

Name one interesting thing you learned in researching/writing your last book.

I knew that women followed the camps during the Napoleonic wars, but I hadn’t realized that 4-5 officers from every regiment could take their families with them. In Chasing the Heiress, the heroine Lucy learned how to nurse from working in the field hospitals, so I also had to learn what treatments would have been used in sewing up gunshot wounds or in treating them after. It was fascinating – and a bit terrifying – to read what were considered to be helpful treatments.

jtdName two things people don’t know about you.

1. I tend to name the wild life in my backyard. The groundhog is Eleanor. The two chipmunks who live in the retaining wall are Pyramus and Thisbe.

2. I find historic gardens fascinating, and I love touring them. Most recently I visited the small—but very interesting—Shaker garden at the Shaker village in Chatham, NY. Perhaps this is part of what made Sophia Wilmot in Jilting the Duke such a special character for me.

What fellow romance author do you recommend reading, and why?

Who I recommend usually depends on what sorts of stories the person I’m talking to likes. If they want something tender, I point out Jodi Thomas, If they want something sparkling, I say Cathy Maxwell.  If they want something spicy, I recommend Christine D’Abo. If they want a story with multicultural characters, I suggest Jenny Holiday’s contemporaries. If they want YA, I’d suggest Kara Bietz’s debut YA novel coming out in November, Until I Break. I’m reading an advance copy, and it’s gripping!

TypewriterWhat one piece of advice do you wish you’d had when first starting out?

Write every day. Whether just a sentence or a paragraph, don’t wait for inspiration or large blocks of time. Just write: you can revise later. I learned this when I first began writing professionally as an academic, and it’s a lesson that served me well when I started writing novels.

What’s your favorite romance novel of all time, and why?

When I was a child, I discovered The Perilous Gard, a Newberry Honor book by Elizabeth Marie Pope. The story follows a girl in the Renaissance who is exiled through no fault of her own by Elizabeth I to a distant estate. She stumbles over a mystery that she must solve or lose the young man she has come to love. It was my first real experience with historical fiction and with self-determinative young women protagonists. I read it over and over.

cthA Bit on Chasing The Heiress

Heiress on the Run

Lady Arabella Lucia Fairborne has no need of a husband. She has a fine inheritance for the taking, a perfectly capable mind, and a resolve as tough as nails. But what she doesn’t have is the freedom to defy her cousin’s will—and his will is to see her married immediately to the husband of his choosing. So is it any wonder that she dresses herself as a scullery maid and bolts into the night? 

Colin Somerville’s current mission for the home office is going, well, poorly. Of course, who would have expected otherwise for a rakish spy tasked with transporting a baby to the care of the royal palace? But when, injured and out of ideas, Colin stumbles upon a beautiful maid who knows her way around children, it seems salvation has arrived. Until he realizes that though Arabella may be able to help him survive his expedition, he may not escape this ordeal with his heart intact…

Buy Chasing the Heiress here: 

Barnes and Noble | iBooks | Amazon 

writingA Bit On Rachael:

Rachael Miles writes romance novels set in the British Regency. Jilting the Duke and Chasing the Heiress—the first two novels in her debut series The Muses’ Salon, published by Kensington Zebra Shout—received 4-star reviews from RT Book Reviews and positive notices in Publisher’s Weekly.

Identified as a ‘strong new voice’ by Mary Jo Putney for Omnivoracious.com, Miles is a former professor of book history and nineteenth-century literature. Miles lives in the woods with her indulgent husband, three rescued dogs, an ancient cat, and a herd of deer who love her vegetable garden.

Want to connect further with Rachael? Find her here:

Website | Twitter | Facebook |  Goodreads |  Pinterest

Thank you so much for joining us, Rachael! You’re positively delightful. 

Writer Wednesday: Meet Merritt Kelly

Merritt KellyWelcome to Writer Wednesday, where we serve up tiny tidbits about fellow writers and their works.

We’ve got Merritt Kelly with us today, writer of foodie/chick-lit romance (two things I adore!). Wahoo!

So settle in, maybe grab some chocolate (because I’m hungry), and read on for a snack-size interview about Merritt and her novels.

TypewriterWhat inspires you to write?

Sometimes I’m inspired by a news story or an article I’ve read. Sometimes the idea comes from inside. Maybe I have an issue I’m working on grief, depression or aging, something that needs expressing and writing is cheaper than therapy.

Which type of romance do you love most, and why?

I love a funny contemporary romance. It’s fresh; it’s different. Who doesn’t love seeing a dorky couple or a clumsy man find love? My husband makes me laugh, so I have a soft spot for a hero who doesn’t take himself serious and loves a good laugh.

SoupName one interesting thing you learned in researching/writing your last book:

My last two books have been about chefs and cooks. I really learned about molecular gastronomy and more about soups and chili than I ever thought I’d learn.

Luv's Life A Bit About Luv’s Life

Sexy widower/restaurateur, Rick Markham, and his darling daughter have relocated to rural eastern Washington to start fresh after suffering a tragic loss. The only problem is neither one is able to move on. The second funny, fiery, fierce, redhead Luv Sullivan crosses the threshold of his restaurant everything changes. Their attraction is powerful and palpable.

Former talk show host turned psychologist, Luv Sullivan, returns home with dreams of starting her own counseling practice. When she meets the adorable duo she’s convinced she can help them heal. It won’t be easy. Hannah is precocious, headstrong, and used to getting her way, and her overworked, fatigued father is in denial. Then, there’s the crazy chemistry between Rick and Luv, which poses and ethical dilemma for Luv. She can’t be personally involved someone she’s treating.

Though enthralled with each other, they agree to put aside their personal feelings for Hannah’s sake. Yet, circumstances, and even Luv’s own mother conspire to push them together again and again. The results are hilarious. It’s a rollicking romantic comedy full of fun.

writingA Bit About Merritt:

Merritt Kelly has been in love with the written word as long as she can remember. She’s a freelance writer, author, and columnist whose articles have appeared in the Colfax Gazette, Palouse Journal, and the Moscow/Daily News. Her work on the web can be seen on Paperdriods, DigiYoo, LexiYoga and HaveHeart Magazine, Home & Harvest websites under her real name Carol Traulsen. She has written on a variety of topics including the war in Kosovo, the death penalty, grief, coping with a cozy kitchen and cooking.

Merritt Kelly is a pen name she chose to honor her late mother, who always believed in her writing ability. When she’s not writing, she’s cooking, walking or reading. She resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, her son and her cat.

She loves to laugh, all the music in the Guardians Of The Galaxy, trying new foods, a good glass of wine and almost anything chocolate. Her first novel, Culinary Seduction, a foodie/Chick lit romance, was released through Soul Mate Publishing in February of 2015. Luv’s Life, her second novel, debuted April 30th, 2016.

Want to connect further with Merritt? Find her here!

Website: http://www.merrittkelly.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/merrittkelly1

Thanks so much, Merritt – it was a tasty treat having you visit today! 


Writer THURSDAY? Yes! Meet Andrya Bailey

HalftoneI have to tell you, when I realized I’d completely forgotten to post Andrya Bailey‘s Writer Wednesday interview last week, I felt so bad. SO BAD. I was on a crowded bus full of Girl Scouts headed to NYC when that nagging suspicion I’d forgotten something hit me. Luckily, it wasn’t my daughter, or our luggage.

But it was a blog post, and Ms. Bailey has my profound apologies. Luckily for me, she’s been incredibly gracious about the whole oops, so I am tickled to bring you this Special Edition of Writer Wednesday – on Thursday.

Come meet the ever-so-understanding Andrya Bailey, and learn a bit about her and her books!

Heart shaped book pagesWhich type of romance do you love most, and why?

I like contemporary romance, but I’m also drawn to historical romance and fairy tales. Magic and seduction fill our lives with passion!

Relief of Pluto and ProserpineName one interesting thing you learned in researching/writing your last book:

My upcoming book, the second novel in the Olympian Love trilogy, is set in Greece. While researching Greek mythology, I came across the bouquet of Persephone, which was a bouquet with the flowers Persephone was gathering when she was kidnapped by the mighty Hades. This was a nice touch to insert into one of the scenes in the romance.

What fellow romance author do you recommend reading, and why?

Sheila Kell, the writer of the HIS novels. They’re fun, sexy, with steamy scenes and interesting characters, especially the alpha Hamilton brothers.

wutheringWhat’s your favorite romance novel of all time, and why?

If I have to single out only one, I’ll say Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë, although I have several favorites.

Even though it doesn’t have a happy ending, I find Heathcliff’s love for Catherine sickly passionate and full of devotion.

Olympian_Passion_Cover_for_KindleA Bit on Olympian Passion (book 1):

Sabrina loves everything about Greek mythology and is excited to be accepted for an internship at the Fine Arts Museum in Houston. When she meets the handsome Greek archaeologist Nikos Soulis, who will spend two months at the museum, she falls head over heels for him. But the sexy professor seems too busy and already spoken for… so why does he insist in helping her with her project? Can Sabrina avoid heartbreak when she is seduced by the hot Olympian god of her dreams?

“A great romance that does justice to the mythological theme.”

Find Olympian Passion here:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble 

writingAuthor bio:

Andrya Bailey is an award-winning contemporary romance writer who lives in Texas, USA. One of her favorite things to do is travel, and when she does, she loves to visit museums and learn about art, which she usually incorporates into her stories. She loves to write love stories with strong alpha males and exciting scenarios.

Olympian Passion is the first book in the Olympian Love series and it has received the 5 star seal from Readers’ Favorite. The second book, Olympian Heartache, will be released in late summer 2016. Her short story “No Inhibition” is published in the romance/erotica anthology Waves of Passion, by the Houston Writers Guild Press.

Want to connect further with Andrya? Find her here:

Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/Andrya-Bailey/e/B01667R2D8
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/andryabailey/
Twitter: @andyb0810

Thanks so much for being here, Andrya! It was a pleasure having you.